
cloudprnt_receipt_printer_print Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /boldr-api/cloudprnt/BOLDR123123123
# Route name Path Log
1 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
2 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
3 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
4 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
5 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
6 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
7 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
8 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
9 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
10 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
12 hb_admin_customer_send_link /boldr-admin/{_locale}/hb-customer-send-link/{customer} Path does not match
13 hb_admin_invoices /boldr-admin/{_locale}/hb-invoices Path does not match
14 hb_admin_invoices_pdf /boldr-admin/{_locale}/hb-invoices-pdf/{year}/{month}/{customerId} Path does not match
15 hb_admin_cancel /boldr-admin/{_locale}/hb-cancel-order/{order} Path does not match
16 hb_api_pickup_delivery /boldr-api/helensbakery/pickup-delivery Path does not match
17 app_register.en /register Path does not match
18 /registreren Path does not match
19 /welcome/confirm-email/{token} Path does not match
20 hb_user_confirm_email.en /en/welcome/confirm-email/{token} Path does not match
21 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
22 cms_admin /boldr-admin/{_locale} Path does not match
23 cms_admin_api_order_dashboard_widgets /boldr-admin-api/order-dashboard-widgets Path does not match
24 cms_admin_embed /boldr-admin-api/embed Path does not match
25 cms_icon_packs /boldr-admin-api/icon-packs.js Path does not match
26 cms_admin_link_types /boldr-admin-api/link-types Path does not match
27 cms_admin_links /boldr-admin-api/links Path does not match
28 cms_admin_info /boldr-admin-api/info Path does not match
29 cms_admin_paginator_size /boldr-admin-api/boldrcms/paginator-size Path does not match
30 cms_admin_translations /boldr-admin/boldrcms/translations Path does not match
31 admin_api_upload_selector /boldr-admin-api/boldrcms/upload-selector Path does not match
32 cms_admin_upload /boldr-admin-api/upload Path does not match
33 cms_admin_deferred_upload_formatting /boldr-admin-api/deferred-upload-formatting/{upload}/{size}/{format} Path does not match
34 cms_admin_search_upload_folders /boldr-admin-api/upload-folders Path does not match
35 cms_admin_search_upload /boldr-admin-api/search-upload Path does not match
36 cms_admin_add_upload_details /boldr-admin-api/boldrcms/upload-details Path does not match
37 cms_admin_add_upload_to_folder /boldr-admin-api/boldrcms/add-upload-to-folder Path does not match
38 admin_api_visual_editor_render_section /boldr-admin-api/boldrcms/ve/render-section Path does not match
39 admin_api_visual_editor_render_form /boldr-admin-api/boldrcms/ve/render-form Path does not match
40 cms_home /{_locale} Path does not match
41 cms_login /boldr-login Path does not match
42 cms_logout /boldr-logout Path does not match
43 cms_api_info /boldr-api/boldrcms/info Path does not match
44 cms_robots /robots.txt Path does not match
45 cms_sitemap /sitemap.xml Path does not match
46 /nl/inloggen Path does not match
47 boldr_users_login.en /en/login Path does not match
48 /nl/uitloggen Path does not match
49 boldr_users_logout.en /en/logout Path does not match
50 boldr_users_forgot_password.en /en/forgot-password Path does not match
51 /nl/wachtwoord-vergeten Path does not match
52 boldr_users_api_forgot_password /boldr-api/boldr-users/forgot-password Path does not match
53 boldr_users_reset_password.en /en/reset-password/{token} Path does not match
54 /nl/wachtwoord-opnieuw-instellen/{token} Path does not match
55 boldr_users_api_reset_password /boldr-api/boldr-users/reset-password Path does not match
56 boldr_users_confirm_email_address.en /en/confirm-email-address/{token} Path does not match
57 /nl/bevestig-email-adres/{token} Path does not match
58 boldr_users_resend_confirmation_email.en /en/resend-confirmation-email Path does not match
59 /nl/verstuur-bevestigingsemail-opnieuw Path does not match
60 boldr_users_api_resend_confirmation_email /boldr-api/boldr-users/resend-confirmation-email Path does not match
61 shop_admin_reports /boldr-admin/{_locale}/boldr-shop/reports Path does not match
62 /nl/bestellingen Path does not match
63 shop_orders.en /en/orders Path does not match
64 shop_personal_details.en /en/personal-details Path does not match
65 /nl/persoonlijke-gegevens Path does not match
66 shop_customer_addresses.en /en/addresses Path does not match
67 /nl/adressen Path does not match
68 shop_api_customer_addresses /boldr-api/boldrshop/addresses Path does not match
69 shop_customer_addresses_address.en /en/addresses/{addressId} Path does not match
70 /nl/adressen/{addressId} Path does not match
71 shop_api_customer_addresses_address /boldr-api/boldrshop/addresses/{addressId} Path does not match
72 shop_customer_addresses_remove.en /en/addresses/remove/{addressId} Path does not match
73 /nl/adressen/verwijder/{addressId} Path does not match
74 shop_api_customer_addresses_remove /boldr-api/boldrshop/addresses/{addressId} Path does not match
75 shop_customer_invoice_download.en /en/invoices/download/{invoiceId} Path does not match
76 /nl/facturen/download/{invoiceId} Path does not match
77 shop_invoice_pay.en /en/invoices/pay/{invoiceId} Path does not match
78 /nl/facturen/betaal/{invoiceId} Path does not match
79 shop_cart.en /en/cart Path does not match
80 /nl/winkelwagen Path does not match
81 shop_order.en /en/order/{orderId} Path does not match
82 /nl/bestelling/{orderId<\d+> Path does not match
83 shop_api_cart /boldr-api/boldrshop/cart Path does not match
84 shop_api_order /boldr-api/boldrshop/order/{orderId} Path does not match
85 shop_api_update_order_item /boldr-api/boldrshop/update-order-item Path does not match
86 /nl/aan-bestelling-toevoegen Path does not match
87 shop_add_to_order.en /en/add-to-order Path does not match
88 shop_api_add_to_order /boldr-api/boldrshop/add-to-order Path does not match
89 shop_api_add_discount_to_order /boldr-api/boldrshop/add-discount-to-order Path does not match
90 shop_api_remve_discount_from_order /boldr-api/boldrshop/remove-discount-from-order Path does not match
91 shop_change_cart_state.en /en/shop/next/{nextState} Path does not match
92 /nl/bestellen/volgende/{nextState} Path does not match
93 shop_change_order_state.en /en/order/{orderId}/next/{nextState} Path does not match
94 /nl/bestelling/{orderId}/volgende/{nextState} Path does not match
95 /nl/bedankt/{orderId} Path does not match
96 shop_confirmation.en /en/thank-you/{orderId} Path does not match
97 boldr_shop_shop_product_productoptions /boldr-api/boldrshop/product-options Path does not match
98 shop_shop.en /en/order Path does not match
99 /nl/bestellen Path does not match
100 receipt_printer_reprint /boldr-admin/receipt-printer/reprint/{orderId} Path does not match
101 receipt_printer_print_customer /boldr-admin/receipt-printer/print-customer/{customerId} Path does not match
102 cloudprnt_receipt_printer_print /boldr-api/cloudprnt/{secret} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.