Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
46.17 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
Grouped Statements
Time▼ | Count | Info |
8.14 ms (17.63%) |
2 |
SELECT t1.id AS id_2, t1.search_data AS search_data_3, t1.locale AS locale_4, t0.page_translation_id AS page_translation_id_5, t1.dtype FROM cms_page_translation_search_data t0 INNER JOIN cms_search_data t1 ON t0.id = t1.id WHERE t0.page_translation_id = ?
6.48 ms (14.03%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.locale AS locale_2, t0.title AS title_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.sections AS sections_5, t0.draft_sections AS draft_sections_6, t0.modern_sections AS modern_sections_7, t0.section_hashes AS section_hashes_8, t0.permalink AS permalink_9, t0.page_id AS page_id_10 FROM cms_page_translation t0 WHERE t0.page_id = ?
3.58 ms (7.76%) |
1 |
SELECT s0_.id AS id_0, s0_.quantity AS quantity_1, s1_.quantity AS quantity_2, s1_.currencies AS currencies_3 FROM shop_order_item s0_ LEFT JOIN shop_product_variant s2_ ON s0_.product_variant_id = s2_.id LEFT JOIN shop_product s3_ ON s2_.product_id = s3_.id LEFT JOIN shop_product_n_for_x s1_ ON (s1_.product_id = s3_.id) LEFT JOIN shop_order_item_invoice_item s4_ ON s0_.id = s4_.order_item_id LEFT JOIN shop_invoice_item s5_ ON s4_.id = s5_.id WHERE s0_.order_id = ? AND s5_.id IS NULL AND s1_.id IS NOT NULL AND s0_.quantity >= s1_.quantity GROUP BY s0_.id, s1_.id ORDER BY s1_.quantity DESC
2.88 ms (6.24%) |
2 |
[] |
2.68 ms (5.81%) |
1 |
SELECT s0_.id AS id_0, s0_.code AS code_1, s0_.maximum_usage AS maximum_usage_2, s0_.type AS type_3, s0_.percentage AS percentage_4, s0_.quantity AS quantity_5, s0_.quantity_free AS quantity_free_6, s0_.allow_multiple_products AS allow_multiple_products_7, s0_.date_start AS date_start_8, s0_.date_end AS date_end_9, s0_.disabled_days AS disabled_days_10 FROM shop_discount s0_ LEFT JOIN shop_order_discount s1_ ON (s0_.id = s1_.discount_id) LEFT JOIN shop_order_discount s2_ ON (s0_.id = s2_.discount_id AND s2_.order_id <> ?) LEFT JOIN shop_discount_customer s4_ ON s0_.id = s4_.discount_id LEFT JOIN shop_customer s3_ ON s3_.id = s4_.customer_id LEFT JOIN shop_discount_group s6_ ON s0_.id = s6_.discount_id LEFT JOIN shop_group s5_ ON s5_.id = s6_.group_id WHERE (s1_.id IS NULL OR s1_.order_id = ?) AND ((s0_.code = '' OR s0_.code IS NULL OR s1_.order_id IS NOT NULL)) AND ((s3_.id IS NULL OR s3_.id = ?) AND (s5_.id IS NULL OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM shop_customer_group s7_ WHERE s7_.group_id = s5_.id AND s7_.customer_id IN (?)))) AND ((s0_.date_start IS NULL OR s0_.date_start <= ?)) AND ((s0_.date_end IS NULL OR s0_.date_end >= ?)) AND s0_.disabled_days NOT LIKE ? GROUP BY s0_.id, s2_.discount_id HAVING (s0_.maximum_usage IS NULL OR COUNT(s2_.id) < s0_.maximum_usage)
[ 3225 3225 3989 3989 "2025-03-14" "2025-03-14" "%5%" ] |
2.41 ms (5.23%) |
1 |
SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c0_.enabled AS enabled_2, c0_.priority AS priority_3, c1_.id AS id_4, c1_.locale AS locale_5, c1_.title AS title_6, c1_.content_elements AS content_elements_7, c1_.link AS link_8, c1_.popup_id AS popup_id_9, c1_.image_id AS image_id_10 FROM cms_popup c0_ LEFT JOIN cms_popup_translation c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.popup_id WHERE c0_.enabled = 1 AND c1_.locale = ? ORDER BY c0_.priority ASC
2.09 ms (4.53%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.delivery AS delivery_1, t0.date_time AS date_time_2, t0.order_id AS order_id_3, t0.order_pickup_delivery_address_id AS order_pickup_delivery_address_id_4 FROM hb_order_pickup_delivery t0 WHERE t0.order_id = ?
2.04 ms (4.42%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.layout AS layout_2, t0.serialized_layout AS serialized_layout_3, t0.time_last_updated AS time_last_updated_4, t0.synchronize_translations AS synchronize_translations_5, t0.type AS type_6, t0.parent_id AS parent_id_7, t0.primary_image_id AS primary_image_id_8 FROM cms_page t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
2.01 ms (4.36%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.gesneden_in_doos AS gesneden_in_doos_1, t0.order_id AS order_id_2 FROM hb_order_options t0 WHERE t0.order_id = ?
1.80 ms (3.91%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.type AS type_2, t0.storage_identifier AS storage_identifier_3, t0.public_name AS public_name_4, t0.derivatives AS derivatives_5, t0.enqueued_derivatives AS enqueued_derivatives_6, t0.derivatives_enqueued AS derivatives_enqueued_7, t0.mime_type AS mime_type_8, t0.size AS size_9, t0.width AS width_10, t0.height AS height_11, t0.time_uploaded AS time_uploaded_12 FROM cms_upload t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
1.69 ms (3.65%) |
3 |
SELECT t0.order_id AS order_id_1, t0.shop_id AS shop_id_2 FROM multishop_order_shop t0 WHERE t0.order_id = ?
1.33 ms (2.87%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.delivery_allowed AS delivery_allowed_1, t0.delivery_minimum AS delivery_minimum_2, t0.rit AS rit_3, t0.factuur_allowed AS factuur_allowed_4, t0.contant_allowed AS contant_allowed_5, t0.pin_allowed AS pin_allowed_6, t0.geen_extra_bon AS geen_extra_bon_7, t0.latest_order_time AS latest_order_time_8, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_9 FROM hb_customer_options t0 WHERE t0.customer_id = ?
1.20 ms (2.60%) |
1 |
INSERT INTO shop_customer (is_deleted, first_name, last_name, email_address, phone_number, company, preferred_currency, submitted_personal_details, accepted_privacy_policy, separate_cart_per_session, can_change_own_details, locale, default_invoice_address_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ 1 => 0 2 => "" 3 => "" 4 => "" 5 => "" 6 => "" 7 => null 8 => 0 9 => 0 10 => 0 11 => 1 12 => "nl" 13 => null ] |
1.08 ms (2.33%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.locale AS locale_2, t0.caption AS caption_3, t0.set_id AS set_id_4 FROM opening_hours_set_translation t0 WHERE t0.set_id = ?
1.06 ms (2.30%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.delivery AS delivery_1, t0.date_time AS date_time_2, t0.order_id AS order_id_3, t0.order_pickup_delivery_address_id AS order_pickup_delivery_address_id_4 FROM hb_order_pickup_delivery t0 WHERE t0.order_id = ? LIMIT 1
1.01 ms (2.19%) |
2 |
SELECT t0.name AS name_1, t0.department AS department_2, t0.email_address AS email_address_3, t0.order_id AS order_id_4 FROM hb_order_employee t0 WHERE t0.order_id = ?
0.98 ms (2.12%) |
1 |
INSERT INTO shop_order (number, item_count, total_price, state, previous_states, time_customer_confirmed, time_state_changed, currency, selected_payment_option, customer_note, customer_id, invoice_address_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ 1 => null 2 => 0 3 => null 4 => "cart" 5 => "[]" 6 => null 7 => "2025-03-14 04:35:16" 8 => "EUR" 9 => null 10 => "" 11 => 3989 12 => null ] |
0.95 ms (2.05%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.date AS date_2, t0.day_of_the_week AS day_of_the_week_3, t0.time_start AS time_start_4, t0.time_end AS time_end_5, t0.preparation_time AS preparation_time_6, t0.set_id AS set_id_7 FROM opening_hours_opening_hours t0 WHERE t0.set_id = ?
0.89 ms (1.93%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.by_appointment AS by_appointment_3 FROM opening_hours_set t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
0.69 ms (1.50%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.shop_id AS shop_id_1, t0.opening_hours_set_id AS opening_hours_set_id_2 FROM hb_shop_options t0 WHERE t0.shop_id = ?
0.66 ms (1.43%) |
2 |
[] |
0.52 ms (1.13%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.noreply_email AS noreply_email_3 FROM multishop_shop t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
Boldr\Cms\CmsBundle\Entity\Page | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\CmsBundle\Entity\Upload | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\CmsBundle\Entity\Translation | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\CmsBundle\Entity\PageTranslation | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\CmsBundle\Entity\AttachmentUsage | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\CmsBundle\Entity\PageAttachmentUsage | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\CmsBundle\Entity\SearchData | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\CmsBundle\Entity\PageTranslationSearchData | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\CmsBundle\Entity\UploadTranslation | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\CmsBundle\Entity\UploadFolder | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\CmsBundle\Entity\UploadTrack | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\PopupBundle\Entity\Popup | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\PopupBundle\Entity\PopupTranslation | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\Customer | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\Order | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\Address | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\CustomerAddress | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\CustomerUser | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\Group | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\OrderItem | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\OrderNote | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\OrderDiscount | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\InvoiceItem | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\NForXBundle\Entity\ProductNForX | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\ProductVariant | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\Product | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\OrderItemInvoiceItem | No errors. |
App\Entity\OrderPickupDelivery | No errors. |
App\Entity\OrderPickupDeliveryAddress | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\ShopBundle\Entity\Discount | No errors. |
App\Entity\OrderOptions | No errors. |
App\Entity\CustomerOptions | No errors. |
App\Entity\OrderEmployee | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\MultishopBundle\Entity\OrderShop | No errors. |
Boldr\Shop\MultishopBundle\Entity\Shop | No errors. |
App\Entity\ShopOptions | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\OpeningHoursBundle\Entity\Set | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\OpeningHoursBundle\Entity\OpeningHours | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\OpeningHoursBundle\Entity\SetTranslation | No errors. |
Boldr\Cms\OpeningHoursBundle\Entity\Holiday | No errors. |